New Single “Liam I Love You 7” a Soulful Ballad

Cynthia Thijs Coenraad’s new single “Liam I Love You 7” has been released !

This song is a soulful ballad.
The intro and fill’s are played with refined harmonica lines.
As always there is a surprising upbeat moment in the song which is a typical ‘Cynthia Touch’.

If you can’t see your grandchild, for whatever reason.
And you want him to know that he’s always on your mind and in your heart,
do try to find keys to transform this painful, vulnerable situation into a beautiful Love song.

“I am so Grateful that I can sing my song into the Universe,
to let him know his grandmother loves him forever.
Today it’s your 7th Birthday
Liam I Love You”

Enjoy, play and share this Single, which can be found on all usual stores and streaming platforms !

Liam I Love You 7